Forgive me for not writing in a very long time! As we all know, sometimes life gets in the way. And my life has been hectic but good.  I’m ” MeMe” to 3 grandsons, ages 4, almost 3 and 2 years old. And we have another boy arriving in the next couple of weeks. These blessings are healthy and happy. Yes, I’m still singing but my schedule is not as crazy, which allows me to travel and visit these little ones as well as spend time with the ones here in Cleveland.

I just had a show of my own at Music Box, a few weeks ago, which I rehearsed for many weeks  with guitarist Jim Carr, pianist Phil Kushner, bass/banjo/guitarist Al Struck and 17 year old Aidan Budgeon who was singing 2 songs in the show. The premise for my show was sharing songs from my earlier band days, songs I wrote and released to radio and the stories behind them. Two days before the show, Al Struck was hospitalized with an infection and, hoping he would be released in time, had to bow out on the day of the show. Two hours before sound check I called on harmonica player, David Krauss, to play on four songs in the show. Since we were missing our 3rd musician I figured David could add some color to songs that we would otherwise have had Al play on. He was free, came down in time for sound check and rehearsed the songs at that time. The show must go on! The 300 in attendance, which included my son, his wife and 2 sons who flew in from LA, my sister, cousins who drove in from Chicago, friends who traveled from Maryland, New York, North Carolina and a special gentleman, who flew in from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sadly, my husband came down with some intestinal bug and also had to miss the show😔. But those who made it, were exuding a wonderful energy that fed us and enabled us to give the best show that we could do, under the circumstances. The sound was good, I felt good and we all had fun! There were some other special people in the audience that included friends from my high school years, current friends and members/friends from Jim Brickman’s Camp. Percussionist Jamey Haddad who is world renowned and has toured with Paul Simon and Sting, was also present; I have known Jamey for many years and ended up seeing and hearing him in his own show, a couple of weeks later. He is amazing!!!!

Now I have a little break, before I start rehearsing with Jim Brickman, for the 15 shows that I will be doing on his Comfort and Joy tour starting the end of November and throughout December. I’ll be singing with American Idol winner, Ruben Studdard, for the shows in Allentown, PA and Hartford, CT, before joining John and Trones and the Young Originals in select cities across the country. I look forward to seeing you on the road! 

Happy Fall and Love to all!
